Aim: this course is set to help tactical units, sub-units or task elements to adapt to fighting in mountainous terrain and in a multinational environment.
- create a common vocabulary and understanding regarding the Mountain Warfare and the mountain environment;
- make individual soldiers, leaders and staff aware of the training requirements for Mountain Warfare and create a common picture of a standard unit fitted for operating in mountain terrain;
- teach the soldiers and leaders the tactical implications of environmental hazards and the particularities of fighting in the mountains;
- introduce attendees of other more advanced NATO MW COE courses to the basic principles of Mountain Warfare, as prerequisite course.

Reference: NATO standard ATrainP-6 Mountain Warfare Education and Training, Ed. A V1, NOV20.
Audience: participants of other NATO MW COE courses and anyone interested in the subject of Mountain Warfare.
Duration: approx. 2 hours.
Layout: cover the teaching material by reading through 3 main lessons, pass a quiz after each lesson and unlock the Course Completion Certificate. The course is linear, so the students must finish each lesson to gain access to the next.
Course materials for further personal study (log-in required)
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