Allied Tactical Publication (ATP is submitted to NATO Standardization Office (NSO) ready for entering the RATIFICATION PROCESS

Allied Tactical Publication (ATP is submitted to NATO Standardization Office (NSO) ready for entering the RATIFICATION PROCESS


The NATO MWCOE as custodian of the Allied Tactical Publication (ATP Conduct of Land Tactical Operations in Mountainous Environment) submitted the Edition A Version 1 of this doctrine to the NSO in order to enter now the ratification process. The »Defensio« of the ATP  done by the custodian (DSB) was recently on the agenda within the spring meeting of the Land Operations Working Group and achieved the consent for entering the ratification process. On this meeting

COMLANDCOM, SACEUR’s Land Domain Advisor, welcomed the LOWG community which counted on this event 128 delegates representing 25 member states, 4 partner nations, ACT, LANDCOM, JFC BS, JSEC, MND CE, NRDC ITA, MP COE, SP COE, MW COE, MILENGWG, and the NSO.

The NATO Mountain Warfare Centre of Excellence (NATO MW COE) as the custodian of the Allied Tactical Publication STUDY 2643 – ATP Conduct of Land Operations in Mountainous Environment and the ATrainP-6 (Training and Education Standard) participated with the Branch Head of DSB as representative and speaker of the custodian and the writing team. In this role the »Defensio« of the Harmonization Draft was conducted at the Specific Environment Panel and the Senior Land Panel. Accompanied by discussions on many standard related issues within the land domain and within the specific environments. Concerning the mountainous environment,   the permission of the LOWG was achieved  to enter the ratification process with ATP To accomplish this, the Edition A Version 1 was finished by the DSB until mid of may and submitted now to the NSO.


Figure 1: Current State of Life Cycle ATP


With this product the second NATO Standard in MW is available. It is an unclassified doctrine representing a high value body of knowledge and experience provided by the experts within the Writing team, which had an experience and knowledge span from the platoon leader level up to the brigade COM level and a rank level from OR 8 to OF 5. A great hand goes to these contributers. Now it is in the hands of the nations to ratify this doctrine and  thus give MW a high level  of awareness and acceptance within NATO and in turn the outcome of interoperability.


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