EU P&S MTI Expert Talks
From 14th to 17th May the NATO MW COE delegation, led by the Education & Training Branch Head, LTC Dražen Komadina, took part in the European Union Pooling and Sharing Mountain Training Initiative (EU P&S MTI) Expert Talks in Prague, Czech Republic. The event brought together experts from 13 nations (AUT, BEL, BGR, CZE, DEU, ESP, FRA, NLD, POL, SVN, NOR, SWE, and GBR) in order to share knowledge, procedures, and lessons learned, as well as to strengthen the relationship between all participating nations and organisations.
The NATO MW COE participates in the EU P&S MTI in the capacity of a ?permanent guest”, but have contributed actively to the Education & Training Needs and Offers 2020, Standardization and Lessons Identified / Lessons Learned Workshops.
The NATO MW COE and the EU P&S MTI have, from the beginning, coordinated areas of work, in order to share resources and support each other in ongoing and future activities. This well-established and harmonised cooperation has proved to be fruitful and progressive for both organisations in their efforts to improve NATO and EU mountain warfare capabilities.
The Austrian Chair has changed within the MTI. The new Chair is Brigadier General Josef Holzer.[envira-gallery id=”2551″]