NATO COEs LEGADs Conference
Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT), in cooperation with the NATO Mountain Warfare Centre of Excellence (NATO MW COE), successfully conducted the 2017 COE Legal Advisors (LEGADs) Conference in Bled, Slovenia, from 21st to 23rd February, 2017.
The Conference brought together the HQ SACT Transformation Network Branch (TNB) representative, the HQ SACT Staff Legal Advisor, legal advisors from 18 COEs, 3 NATO Force Integration Units (NFIUs), the Ministries of Defence (MoDs), and Armed Forces from 8 nations.
The LEGADs Conference is organized as an annual forum for exchanging best practices and lessons learned regarding legal aspects concerning administration and operation of the COEs. The intended outcome of the Conference is to create a common understanding of the challenges of the COE Legal Advisors and to seek practical solutions to the challenges.[envira-gallery id=”1845″]