DEU Delegation in NATO MW COE
As part of the DEU – SVN bilateral staff talks, held between 12 and 13 April 2018 at the SVN MoD, the NATO MW COE hosted the delegation involved in the talks.
The delegation visted the COE on 13 April in Poljče, Slovenia, and was briefed on the NATO MW COE’s activities. Also, the guests were provided with a comprehensive picture about the COE’s work and challenges.
The NATO MW COE Director, Colonel Boštjan Blaznik informed the delegation on the Centre and its scope of work. »As mountain warfare community of interest exists for centuries, the Centre’s ambition is to remain the hub for MW, as independent military organization«, he stressed hereinafter. Futher on, each branch presented the main challenges and oportunities, upon which a constructive debate developed.
The DEU delegation head, Colonel Bernd Stöckmann, Section Chief Plans in the Directorate-General for Planning, thanked the Director and NATO MW COE staff for all the information provided, and wished them all good luck for the future work and challenges.[envira-gallery id=”1350″]