EU P&S MTI Annual Conference in Arvidsjaur
From 10-14 December 2018, representatives of the NATO Mountain Warfare Centre of Excellence (NATO MW COE) took part in the European Union Pooling and Sharing Mountain Training Initiative (EU P&S MTI) 2018 Annual Conference, hosted by the Swedish Armed Forces in Arvidsjaur, Sweden.
The event was attended by ten nations (AUT, BEL, BGR, CZE, DEU, ESP, FRA, NLD, POL, SVN, NOR and SWE). The NATO MW COE participates in the EU MTI in the capacity of a “permanent guest”, but actively contributed to the Standardisation Workshop.
The NATO MW COE and the EU P&S MTI have already coordinated their areas of work in order to share resources and support each other in future activities. This well-established cooperation has proved to be fruitful and progressive for both the EU MTI and the NATO MW COE.
Within the MTI, the Austrian Chair has changed. The new Chair, Major General Robert Prader, DCO AUT Land Forces Command, intends to focus on enhanced cooperation in the area of collective training/exercises.
The NATO MW COE could contribute intensively to the development of MW training and course architecture. This includes the curricula of all training courses, as well as additional specific training modules. The MTI and the COE have co-established a common LL-process, using NATO LL-procedures. This will require further engagement by all involved Nations throughout the year in order to make this process as effective as possible.
The results of this MTI-harmonized MW training will be used by the NATO MW COE in the further standardization process within NATO. [envira-gallery id=”2221″]