Mountain Risk Management Workshop Winter has already achieved its first success
Dennis Jahn2024-05-15T06:02:45+00:00During the Mountain Risk Management Workshop (Winter) in March 2024 at the NATO Mountain Warfare Centre of Excellence (NATO MW COE) in Slovenia, the idea of promoting cooperation between the NATO MW CEO and Georg Kronthaler* was born. On 26 April 2024, both parties signed a Letter of Cooperation. While the NATO MW COE will support Georg Kronthaler in the further development of his LARA application, the instructors will be trained in its use and will receive further training from Georg Kronthaler. The LARA (Local Avalanche Risk Assessment) application is a tool for increased safety in mountainous terrain. The application uses advanced algorithms to generate avalanche diagnoses and personal danger levels. With LARA you can benefit from the many high quality diagnoses from active users. If you want to know more about the LARA application please use the following link: The further development of risk reduction methods as part of winter risk management is a priority for both parties. Further joint activities are already planned for 2025.
*Georg Kronthaler: A certified mountain and ski guide, avalanche expert, researcher, practitioner and snow thinker who has been working for over 20 years on a tool for assessing individual slopes – which is the supreme discipline in snow and avalanche science.