Preliminary Lessons from Ukraine’s Offensive Operations, 2022–23
We would like to draw your attention to a recently issued publication from Royal United Service Institute for Defence and Security Studies (UK) that discusses the causes of the failure of the Ukrainian offensive in 2023 in order to avoid the repetition of such errors in the future and to inform the regeneration of offensive combat power in NATO militaries.
This outstanding publication provides comprehensive lessons covering a wide range of levels, from strategic to tactical. The causes of the failure of the 2023 Ukrainian offensive are detailed in three separate sections: Lack of Surprise, Inadequate Force Generation, and Planning Deficiencies. Additionally, tactical lessons concerning Observation, Precise Fires, Electromagnetic Battlespace Management, and others are covered.
The causes of the failure of Ukraine’s offensive operations in 2023 can be summarized as a lack of personnel and critical materiel, inadequate time to train and cohere the relevant forces, the misallocation of personnel to the identified axes, and a lack of solutions to several identified tactical problems.
You may upload and read the document by clicking on the link below.
File Name: Preliminary-Lessons-from-Ukraines-Offensive-Operations-2022-23.pdf